How can cities face any challenge, ensuring social inclusion, education, security, sustainability and resilience? What is the plan for sustainable and resilient development of Romanian cities? Together for a Better Tomorrow Association, in partnership with the Department for Sustainable Development of the Romanian Government, presents on June 23rd an applied debate on urban resilience, within the event “Building Sustainable & Resilient Cities”.
Will respond to this question our guest speakers: László Borbély – State Councilor, Coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development; Piero Pelizzaro – Chief Resilience Officer Milan; Andra Migiu – Secretary of State, Ministry of Health, Benny Schaeken – Director of Smart Cities – Cegeka; Remus Hirceaga – Expense Reduction Analysts Partner; Silviana Petre Badea – Managing Director of JLL Romania; Grațian Mihăilescu – Founder of UrbanizeHub; Codruța Ilovan – Administrative Director at Deutsche Schule Bucharest; Cristian Macedonschi – President of Smart City Brașov; Alexandru Anghel – Brașov Airport Director; Marius Cristea – Urban Development Expert, Raluca Munteanu – Business Development Manager IULIUS, Geanina Suditu – Coordinator of the Bucharest-Ilfov Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan within TPBI, Stefan Roșeanu – TPBI Advisor -Project Metropolitan Train Manager Bucharest-Ilfov, Cornel Pieptea– Advisor President of the Ilfov County Council, and Tudor Măcicășan – Councilor of the General Mayor of Bucharest. The discussions will be moderated by Andrei Ioan Botiș – President of Romania Green Building Council (RoGBC).
With more than half of the population living in urban areas and the number growing daily, cities face unprecedented demographic, environmental, economic, social and spatial challenges.
By 2050, 70% of the global population will live in cities. 60% of the new urban settlements have not yet been built, representing a huge opportunity for the construction of resilient cities.
Major challenges to resilience include economic, environmental, cultural, civic and disaster recovery. Sustainable and resilient urban development cannot be achieved or sustained without mitigation and adaptation measures, such as water recycling, urban design and water and energy sensitive buildings, sustainable urban planning of city expansions, financial and risk management planning tools and awareness campaigns for behavior change.
The speakers invited to the discussions will address the issue of urban resilience in terms of its various components: energy efficiency, culture, education, transport, construction, infrastructure, circular economy, technology, innovation, health, social inclusion.
The discussions can be watched on June 23, LIVE ONLINE on the IdeaEventsCF Facebook page.
Main partner: The Department for Sustainable Development
Strategic partners: Next Energy Partners, Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA), Private Jets Europe, NAI Romania
Institutional partner: Romania Green Building Council
Media partners: igloo, Spaț, Netv, Rhapsody Magazine
An event organized by Idea Events