The series of ONLINE debates “Real Estate in the next normal – how pandemic could reshape the industry” will open on November 26, with discussions that will focus on the lessons learned in the 9 months since the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic, and measures to be taken in order to return to work in optimal conditions of health, safety and productivity.
During the November edition, we are pleased to be joined by some of the most important players in the real estate industry, through the appointed speakers: Stefan Tudos – Vice President Genesis Property, Cristian Vasiliu – Managing Director ROFMA, Remus Mihai Hirceaga – Expense Partner Reduction Analyst Europe (ERA), Cristian Macedonschi – Ambassador DEKRA Trusted Facility in Romania, Monica Cranganu – Director IDA Design, Liliana Cristea, Integrative Psychotherapist and founder of the Psychology Cabinet Liliana Cristea, in a moderated discussion by Andrei Botis, RoGBC President.
Issues such as: job management, megatrends in the field of facility management, renegotiation of leases, energy efficiency, current socio-economic trends related to how professional behavior has changed, and what solutions leaders must adopt for debate will be debated. to change mental settings and behaviors, in order to return to work in optimal conditions, the new architecture of work and living spaces, standards and certifications aimed at finding solutions that provide confidence and security to customers and employees, to restart activities and return to the work.
More details about the event can be found by accessing the event website:
Follow the event ONLINE LIVE, on 26.11.2020, between 14.00–16.00
Main Partner: Next Energy Partners
Partners: TailPath, Genesis Property, Private Jets Europe
Supporting Partners: ROFMA, RoGBC